The Shelf Stable Cheese Advantage
GIlman Cheese a well known producer of quality shelf stable cheese in wisconsin showing off some of their product selection
GIlman Cheese a well known producer of quality shelf stable cheese in wisconsin showing off some of their product selection

Why Shelf Stable Cheese?


Article Tags: #ShelfStableCheese #ConvenientCheese #LongShelfLife #NoRefrigeration #EasyTransport #ReducedStorageCosts #SavingsOnTheBottomLine

Shelf-stable cheese is a type of cheese that can be stored at room temperature for an extended period of time without spoiling. This type of cheese is becoming increasingly popular due to its convenience and long shelf life. Shelf-stable cheese is made by a process called ultra-high temperature (UHT) pasteurization, which involves heating the cheese to a very high temperature for a short period of time. This process kills any bacteria or other microorganisms that could cause the cheese to spoil, allowing it to remain safe to eat for up to 6 months - 12 months.

The advantages of shelf-stable cheese over traditional cheeses include convenience, no need for refrigeration, easy transport and storage, and a longer shelf life. Business cases for shelf-stable cheese include reduced storage costs, reduced product shrink due to its long shelf life and range of storage temperatures, and savings on the bottom line. Shelf-stable cheese can be an excellent option for those looking for convenience and a longer shelf life without sacrificing quality or flavor. It can be especially useful in retail locations, online stores, or food service operations where cooler space is limited or power is unreliable.